Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bekah's Favorite Books of 2014

This has been an INCREDIBLE year will huge amounts of awesome books! Here is my list of favorite reads for 2014!
(not in any particular order) 

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

A HUGE thank you to all these authors for writing such wonderful books and for taking me on an adventure that I will never forget. I look forward to anything written by these authors. Thank you! Here is too another AMAZING year of 2015!


  1. I absolutely LOVED the "False Prince Trilogy"! Very entertaining...Well written!

  2. Meep! Bunch of amazing books. <3 I loved so many of these as well. And some of them I have yet to read, but excited to get started :) Thank you for sharing this awesome list. <3

    1. You are so welcome! I am so glad I could excite you for some more amazing books! I hope you'll let me know what you think of them you get a chance to read them!

  3. Started to update my blog more. Come check it out.
