Saturday, June 21, 2014

Book Review: Policing the Paranormal by Paul Hope

Book Description:
The Commonwealth of Virginia has witnessed some of the most dramatic events of U.S. history and is known to be rich with haunted locations and paranormal activity. But what most people don’t know is just how paranormally active Virginia is, especially within the center of the Commonwealth’s most politically prestigious location, the Virginia State Capitol. Unlock the secrets of exactly what goes on after dark in the same buildings our State legislators and officials frequent. Learn from the testimony of police officers and other credible witnesses the exciting and sometimes terrifying disturbances that appear to frequently haunt the rooms and corridors of several locations within downtown Richmond’s Capitol Square. From the haunted State Capitol and Supreme Court buildings, to the intense poltergeist activity experienced in the Executive Mansion, you’ll be shocked by the compelling events that were kept secret – until now!

My Thoughts:
Ok for those who like REAL stories then this is for you. This book was fascinating! It's just one man's experiences with REAL paranormal activity! I couldn't put it down!

I don't like horror but this was different, it wasn't scary exactly (and I scare easily) it was just, relaxed. I felt like the author was just sitting down with me chatting about his experiences and I really liked that aspect of this book.

Paul, a graveyard shift Police Officer for the Virginia State Capital, would patrol the building and grounds all night. Something I wouldn't be able to do simply because my mind would play tricks on me to the point I think I would pass out, and after reading this book I can honestly say I will never work graveyard even for Walmart.

Again this book isn't scary-unless you're planning on reading this at night- you'll read real stories of paranormal activity it really goes to show that sometimes the dead don't really leave a specific place for whatever reason. Stories of mysterious orbs, actual reflections of ghosts, footsteps, crowds of voices, moving furniture etc. Anything you can think of this book just about has it all. It's insanely cool!

With illustrations to help really put in persecutive where things happen and paint a picture for you it was just overall really neat to read. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes good story telling.

Meet the Author

Paul Hope first experienced the paranormal during his childhood in the Isle of Man, British Isles. In 1996, at the age of 20, he emigrated to the United States, serving in the U.S. Army, and later, becoming a police officer in Virginia. It was as an officer that Paul once again encountered the paranormal while policing some of the most haunted and historical locations in the U.S. 

Although having left law enforcement in the late 2010 to pursue an opportunity as a private security contractor in Afghanistan, Paul continues to explore his lifelong interest in the supernatural. When not in Afghanistan, Paul lives on the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia with his and daughter. He intends to eventually return to police work and his pursuit of the paranormal. 

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