Monday, November 11, 2013

Book Review: Defiance By: C.J. Redwine

Book Description:
While the other girls in the walled city-state of Baalboden learn to sew and dance, Rachel Adams learns to track and hunt. While they bend like reeds to the will of their male Protectors, she uses hers for sparring practice.

When Rachel's father fails to return from a courier mission and is declared dead, the city's brutal Commander assigns Rachel a new Protector: her father's apprentice, Logan—the boy she declared her love to and who turned her down two years before. Left with nothing but fierce belief in her father's survival, Rachel decides to escape and find him herself.

As Rachel and Logan battle their way through the Wasteland, stalked by a monster that can't be killed and an army of assassins out for blood, they discover romance, heartbreak, and a truth that will incite a war decades in the making.

My Thoughts:
This book had some great things going for it but in the end it was just kind of meh. Which is fine so I gave it 3 stars on Goodreads because I liked it, it was enjoyable and fun!

The setting of this story is a tyrant-controlled city called Baalboden and the destroyed world beyond Ballboden's walls with violent villains, rugged terrain and a danger that will kill at first sight. Defiance is a mix of dystopian and fantasy that has a very interesting premise.
This story is told in the dual voices of the protagonists Rachel and Logan, which I'm generally okay with, however this time I didn't know to know Logan's side, for whatever reason I didn't. sorry.

Rachel is the tough and confident type, knowing how to take care of herself, unlike other women in this city who are told what to do and coddled which makes her interesting. But as the book progresses, I found she made a lot of rash and hasty decisions sometimes completely irrational, without thinking through a full and solid plan which was a little annoying which left cracks in the image of an smart character I had thought her to be. But still she wasn't all annoying but still made for an interesting story as we followed her on her adventures.

Logan, of course, is the love interest for Rachel who has a history with Rachel. Logan having his own past came into Rachel's family to be an apprentice to Rachel's father. At one point he spurns Rachel's love for him (she was young and implosive which is obviously doesn't outgrow) and because of that it creates the "tension" between them until Logan is appointed her guardian and he eventually find himself (rather easily) falling in love with her.

Overall I just felt that there could've been a lot more to the story. However this is only book one and I'm sure the story will get more complicated. I just wish the romance part of it wasn't so rushed.

Violence: moderate (PG)
Drugs/Alcohol: none
Sexual Content: mild
Language: mild

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