Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Simple Ways to Make Time for Reading

"I wish I could read more, but I  just don't have the time!"

Admit it, we all wish we could spend our days reading in our favorite spots, outside, in bed, on the beach, on the couch, in the library. Wherever. But between jobs, family, and all your other pursuits where in the world do you fit in a decent about of time to get into a book and enjoy it? Well here are some simple ways that could help you make time for reading. 

READ WHAT YOU LOVE-  First you need to know what 
 you like to read. If you don't like to read biographies, then don't read biographies. If you don't like to read young adult then don't read young adult! It's okay to prefer a genre and stick to it. It's what YOU like that counts, don't you be ashamed of it either! Finding a type of book can be hard but think of all the wonderful books you've encountered as you've searched for what exactly you like! You've got to be willing to try and experiment in order to find that book niche. For example, when I read true stories I like survival stories like Unbroken or Coming Out of the Ice. Any other book generally, for me, it has to have some sort of romance. I like romance! 

INVEST IN AUDIO BOOKS- Libraries have this great new thing called "Playaway" they are great! You check them out at your local library and they fit in the palm of your hand! I've used them and I love them! They are convenient for when I have things to do I can just pop in my own ear plugs (because the library will not have them) and put it in my pocket and do stuff around the house while I listen! It's great! 

CAN'T SLEEP? READ!- We all have those nights when you can't fall asleep, your mind won't turn off, or you're so stressed out you can't sleep. I get it! There are times when my husband gets home super late at night and accidently wakes me up, sometimes I'm UP! I don't get mad, I read! 2 things generally will happen when you read when you can't sleep. 
1) You'll fall asleep
2) You'll end up getting into the book and then staying up most, or all, night reading the book. Then you'll have a book hangover and hardly be able to function the next day but you'll be happy because the book was awesome.

Another great time to read is while you are working out! Instead of listening to music you and listen to an audio book! I would put my kids in a jogging stroller and walk while I listen to a book and it actually helped me take my mind off of what I was doing, how far I walked, how hot it was and usually I walking longer, than when I listen to music. Don't get me wrong there are times when I need to run and need music to keep me going but listening to a book I'm really into helps take my mind off of what I'm doing and enjoy the run/walk 

 For those who go to work you have to get there somehow (if you don't work at home that is) whether you drive, walk, bike, take the bus, subway, whatever you still need a mode of transportation to get you there. Why not take that time to listen to a book on audio??? It is a great stress reliever as you are stuck in traffic and helps you relax and take your mind off work. It's a great tool for escape and decompression. 


You'll always have a lunch break or even a short 15-30min break. Use these breaks to get a few pages to a chapter in. It may be slow but it's something....right? Plus if you do this you'll generally have more of a desire to read when you're at home to get on with the story! 

You know joining a book club can be a great way to make sure you add time in to read. You commit yourself to ONE book a month. Just find the right book club for you, because not all book clubs are created equal. For example some book clubs dedicate their clubs to spiritual books, or another has a president and that person chooses the book for each month. In my book club we all take turn picking a book that we the books chosen are from all genres. Plus a bunch of book lovers getting together over goodies and books? Who wouldn't want to join?!

 Have a bag big enough to carry all your necessities and also a book! So when you are stuck in horrible traffic, standing in a long line at the grocery store, waiting in a doctors/dentists office you can read a BOOK instead of gossip magazines. 

APPS ON YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVICES- If you are as picky as I am about the way books are treated and you don't want to carry your books around then invest in apps for your phone. Here are some apps that are FREE and safe to download for your tablet or phone! Overdrive is an app that allows you to find your library and borrow and download books/audio books for free. I use this often if I don't have time to run to the library. Kindle has a free app that you can download for free so you get books off of Amazon and read. Amazon has lots of free e-books or super cheap books that you can download through this app. There are other reading apps such as iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Google Books, Bluefire Reader and more are apps that you can read books and epubs off of. 
Finding time when you're so busy can be a problem so I hope these few suggestions helped and you get pick up that book you've always been wanting to but didn't THINK had the time for.


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